Looking for a day trip that combines ancient architecture, a dark history and artsy fashion design?   Then make your way to tiny Lacoste village in the Luberon Valley… That’s what my daughter, Jordan, and I did. Continuing our road trip in Provence, we travelled to this evocative place tinged with darkness and an artistic […]

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Trailing fingers along the delicate purple tips released a sweet earthy scent as we walked slowly through fragrant fields of lavender in Provence. Heavenly. And captivating. Inhaling deeply induced a relaxing, calming affect. Melting last tendrils of stress… We were alone in secluded fields, surrounded by quiet and beauty. Rolling hills of perfectly groomed lavender […]

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Exploring the grounds of our St. Remy inn on the first day of our small group tour in Provence, my daughter Jordan said, “It’s like Tuscany…but with flowers!” A strong, heady fragrance of jasmine filled the air. White blossoms were growing in profusion everywhere. One bush perfectly hid a calico cat sitting on the shaded […]

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Although our time in this magical city was limited to 40 hours, my daughter and I breezed through iconic sites like the Louvre & Eiffel Tower, took a cooking class, explored Montmartre district and met fashion designers on a personalized shopping trip. Here’s our itinerary from our girl’s trip in Paris, plus tips for making […]

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  • Chris - Looks like 40 hours well spent! Way to pack in as much as you could and I’m sure the read aheads helped you maximize it all. I’d love to visit the Louvre and eat the fancy French food.

  • Kim Walker - Yeah, Paris (and Barcelona) are definitely cities that require tourists to plan in advance as tickets are timed to the minute of entry (and invalid if late!). Bit stressful when you can’t depend on accurate travel times! You’d love the Louvre–2.5 hrs was not enough time to see it all…

Have you ever wanted to go snorkeling with sea turtles? Then Akumal Bay may be your best bet. Snorkeling with sea turtles here is accessible and easy! You can watch these gentle giants munch on sea grass in fairly shallow water while snorkeling on the surface above–no need to dive down deep. In fact it’s […]

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