In tiny Ura village, located in the cultural heartland of Bumthang, a Lama bestows a protective blessing on Bev. Hidden high in the Himalayas, between northern India and Tibet, is Bhutan, a peaceful, idyllic country whose mantra is national happiness. Cliffside monasteries, medieval fortresses, lavish temples and Swiss Tudor farmhouses dot rural landscapes of terraced rice […]
Category Archives: Snapshot
These photos were submitted by Merle Wasson taken on our Fly-in Safari tour in northern Namibia. Merle has traveled to all continents with a camera. His photographs have appeared in Sierra magazine, several national calendars, National Park publications, postcards, and numerous publications on wildlife and wildflowers. To see more of his work, please see the […]
I’ve had an appreciation for wildlife since the days when Marlin Perkins gave us a play-by-play from the helicopter of just what ole’ Jim was up to down on the ground. Usually, Jim was locked in battle with some aggitated creature like a crazed emu trying to “Jackie Chan” him in the face. Since those days, wildlife imagery has grown technically better with […]
Cheetahs, the world’s fastest animal, can run at speeds of 70 mph. These images were submitted by Ted M. from Santa Maria, CA. Photo tour was in Namibia, Africa. And here’s a couple more he recently submitted from the same tour in Namibia… springboks and wild horses found in the southern region of the […]